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Little Kids

Educational Workshops

Due to COVID-19, inspection stations hours in your area are likely to be suspended or adjusted. Please call ahead to make sure they are open.

Educational WorkshopOur coalitions host educational workshops for parents and caregivers.

To find an event, select your state on the left-side navigation. If your state is not listed, contact your local coalition.

Educational Workshop Listings

Little Kids

Learn safety tips appropriate for your toddler or little kidToddlers have that perfect combination of energy and curiosity – and they say the funniest things, too.

As parents, this is the time when we want to let our kids explore, learn and have fun. Bumps, bruises, scrapes and scratches are part of the deal. But the one thing we don't want is for small accidents to turn into more serious injuries. That's where just a little information and planning come in.

On this site, you will find the top tips every parent needs to keep little kids safe. Think of us as your go-to source for safety information.

There are also other resources such as blogs, checklists and videos that will give you the tools you need to help keep your kids safe. And don't forget to share this information with a friend. Because when it comes to keeping kids happy, active and safe, we're all in this together.

What You Need to Know

The Ultimate Car Seat Guide
