Once your baby becomes a toddler, riding in the car becomes more than just a mode of transportation – it’s an extension of a child’s social life. Here is some important safety information to keep your little explorers safe while they’re on the road.
Basic Car Seat Safety Checklist in Haitian
Use our Ultimate Car Seat Guide for information on all your car seat needs.
This ThingLink will remind you how to be safe during this holiday season while traveling near and far.
This infographic shows how to make sure your child is protected.
Learn about the importance of getting your car seat registered in case there is a recall.
A checklist for parents on keeping their child safe while riding in the car.
Booster seats protect children who are too big for a car seat but too small for a seat belt alone. Where does your child fit?
Results from our new study on child passenger safety.
Get the facts. What you need to know about booster seats.
Among preventable injuries, drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1 – 4 years old. Learn More »