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Summer time means lots of fun and adventures. Here are five safety tips to keep your kids safe whether they’re at home, at play, or on the road.
My family has a lot of great holiday traditions, and the 4th of July is one of the best. We all gather in a small town on the eastern shore of Maryland – one of those places that make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time to an era when life was simpler.
The day begins with a hometown parade that goes from the volunteer fire station to the community hall. After the parade, everyone gathers for a community-wide barbecue and picnic, followed by an all-ages baseball game. And of course, no 4th of July celebration would be complete without the fireworks!
Safe Kids is committed to keeping you informed about recalls of products that can put kids at risk. The Safe Kids’ recall center is a unique place where parents and caregivers can go to stay up to date on recalls of all child-related products. This recall report includes multiple lines of children’s sleepwear which fail to meet flammability standards and a stroller accessory posing a fall hazard.
Whenever I am asked if I know how to swim, my immediate response is “I know how to not drown.”
I started interning at Safe Kids Worldwide about three weeks ago. Since then I’ve learned many things. I’ve learned that drinking one 20 ounce bottle of Coke is equivalent to eating 18 cookies – so it’s not the best way to hydrate when playing sports. I’ve learned that the Starbucks Baristas in our building will write down whatever they think they heard when they ask for your name. My name is Kendall Reed but based on my frappuccino order, you can call me “Q.”
Safe Kids is committed to keeping you informed about recalls of products that can put kids at risk. This recall report includes information about collapsing strollers that pose fall hazards, tricycles containing lead paint and multiple inclined sleepers recalled to prevent infant suffocation hazards. The Safe Kids’ recall center is a unique place where parents and caregivers can go to stay up-to-date on recalls of all child-related products.
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Camping season is in full gear and America’s parks and wilderness areas are filled with city dwellers trying to get some peace, quiet and fresh air. There is nothing more relaxing than lying in a hammock by a clear lake or watching wildlife on a remote trail. Camping is also a great way to teach kids about nature and can provide bonding time away from the glare of electronic devices and the noise of our everyday lives.
Who doesn’t love a good vacation? I know I do. One of my favorite things to look forward to is my family’s summer vacation. We almost never go to the same place twice (there were those three consecutive visits to a water park lodge, but that doesn’t count because who gets tired of water slides?)
To all the new and expecting moms and dads out there, congratulations. You’re going to be amazing parents and we'll be right here with you so you're not alone.
Baby Safety Month is all about getting you the information you need to put your mind at ease when it comes to the safety of your new baby.
So here are six simple tips to get you started.
Check out the latest Children's Product Recalls from December 2018.