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We know parents are extremely busy, trying to juggle a million priorities at once. If you have only a moment to spare, follow us on Facebook or Twitter. We deliver safety tips in quick, bite-sized posts that you can scan quickly to keep up to date. It's especially helpful to parents, because the reality is, kids grow so fast and we only discover they hit a new stage when they're well into it. You'll find that a topic that might not apply to you this month is written just for you the next.

Let's Connect

Follow us on Twitter, watch us on YouTube, see our photos on Instagram, engage with us on LinkedIn, pin us on Pinterest or like us on Facebook. We'll get you the information you need to keep your family safe and also help you spread the word so other kids stay safe as well.

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If you're a blogger looking for additional information about our programs or events, we're here to help. Please contact our content advisor, Gary Karton at or 202-662-0630.