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Trunk Entrapment for Big Kids

Trunk Entrapment for Big Kids

Tips to keep your kids safe in and around carsKids love cars, and when they see a parked car, they probably don’t even think about the possibility of getting hurt. That’s why parents have to be extra careful. Here are a few tips to prevent trunk entrapment.

Top Tips for Preventing Trunk Entrapment

  1. Make sure to lock your vehicle, including doors and trunk, when you’re not using it. Keep keys and remote entry fobs out of children’s sight and reach.
  2. Teach kids that trunks are for transporting cargo and are not safe places to play or hide.
  3. Show older kids how to locate and use the emergency trunk release found in cars manufactured after Sept. 1, 2001. Very young children will not have the strength or ability to open the release bar. Young children should never be in a trunk.
  4. Keep rear fold-down seats closed and locked to help prevent kids from climbing into the trunk from inside your car.
  5. If your child is missing, get help and check swimming pools, vehicles and trunks. If your child is locked in a car or trunk accidentally, get him or her out as quickly as possible and dial 911 immediately. Emergency personnel are trained to evaluate and check for signs of heatstroke.
