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Tackling Sports Injuries in Young Athletes: On the Field, In Emergency Rooms and in the Home District
Special Feature:
How-To Hold Sports Safety Clinics in Your District
In cooperation with the co-chairs of the Congressional Kids' Safety Caucus:
- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Rep. Jon Runyan
- Rep. Grace Meng
- Rep. Kevin Cramer
Location: Room 1310 Longworth House Office Building
Sponsored by:
- Safe Kids Worldwide
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Safe States Alliance
- Children's National Medical Center
- National Athletic Trainers' Association
- American College of Preventive Medicine
- Children's Hospital Association
- MomsTEAM Institute
- National Council on Youth Sports Safety
- Nat'l Association of State Head Injury Administrators
- Brain Injury Association of America
Sports News You Can Use
Concussions sustained on sports fields and arenas involving athletes young and old continue to dominate headlines. Hear a nationally known NCAA coach, pediatric emergency physician, respected sports journalist and others talk about the next inning in all youth sports.
- Concussions
- Knee injuries
- Overuse and hydration
- Tommy John arm and other limb overuse injuries
- Sudden cardiac arrest
- Introductions by Kids' Safety Caucus Co-chairs
- Coach Jack Crowe, Former Jacksonville State University head football coach and Executive Director of the American Sports Medicine Institute
- Christina Johns, MD, Emergency Medicine and Trauma Services, Children's National Medical Center
- Stephen G. Rice, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAP; Director of Pediatric Sports Medicine, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, New Jersey
- Christina Benson, M.S., ATC, Head Athletic Trainer
- Moderated by Mark Hyman, author of three books on sports safety including "Concussions and Our Kids" with Dr. Robert Cantu, former reporter with Business Week and Ass't Professor, GW University
Safe Kids Sports Safety Program is made possible by founding sponsor Johnson & Johnson RSVP at [email protected]
This event has been planned in accordance with the congressional gift rules and is considered a widely attended event.