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Thank You for Signing Up to Receive Children's Product Recalls

RecallsThank you for signing up to receive children's product recalls.

Staying current on the latest recalls is very important. Safe Kids is dedicated to sending you twice-monthly updates with a comprehensive list of child-related recalls collected from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, as well as any news concerning children’s products and consumer concerns.

Remember that recalls don’t expire, so check our recall page regularly, especially if you receive hand-me-downs or buy children’s products at a secondhand shop or yard sale.

To find children's product recalls older than 2008 and for a complete list of product recalls, visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

To register your car seat for automatic recall notices, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

If you have a negative experience related to product recalls, we encourage you to share your story here.  In addition, our blog often features safety tips and stories associated with consumer products.

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