One Saturday afternoon last month, I was lying on my couch watching a thought-provoking, sophisticated film – OK, it was "The Notebook" – when I decided I wanted some popcorn.
Learn why we should always put matches and lighters out if reach and out of sight of children.
This segment from NBC’s TODAY Show may surprise some parents, as it shows how kids can sleep right through the sound of a smoke alarm.
The numbers every parent needs.
Every parent knows to keep medicine up and away from children, but kids are still getting into medicine at an alarming rate.
Learn more about TV tip-overs, an emerging threat, and ways to protect your children.
About four busloads of kids are seen in U.S. emergency rooms EVERY DAY for medication poisoning. Learn why.
This interview with the CDC's Dr. Dan Budnitz, McNeil's Dr. Ed Kuffner and Safe Kids' Kate Carr presents an overview of kids safety around medicine.
Every 8 minutes, a child goes to the emergency room from medication poisoning. Jeff Rossen explores this troubling trend among young children.
Among preventable injuries, drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1 – 4 years old. Learn More »