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Examples of Success
Since its inception, Safe Kids Worldwide has worked to promote the best public policies to protect child safety. Our efforts show that changing attitudes and policies can save countless lives.
Car Seats
From 1987 to 2010, there was a 78 percent decrease in unintentional motor vehicle traffic deaths among children 19 and under. As part of the Safe Kids Buckle Up program to promote child passenger safety, the public policy team launched a significant national advocacy effort to support state laws requiring kids to be safely restrained in cars. Now, 49 states have tough child booster seat laws on the books.
Highway Safety
Beyond car seats, Safe Kids fights for effective laws to make highways safer for kids, including drunk driving prevention. One example of laws that work are graduated driver's license laws (GDLs), in which teens phase into their driving career in terms of hours of operation, when they can drive solo and other criteria.
Consumer Products
Safe Kids works with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to raise awareness about dangerous products in the marketplace. We vigorously fought to take dangerous rare-earth magnet products that were harming children off the market. Thanks to these efforts, one such product was subsequently removed from the market. Read our letter.
Safe Routes to School
A study by the California Department of Transportation estimated that the safety benefit of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) was as much as a 49 percent decrease in childhood bicycle and pedestrian collision rates. However, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act limited the funding for the SRTS program, and Safe Kids works with other advocacy groups to encourage states to devote resources and funding to continue the SRTS progress.
Concussion Laws
Safe Kids coalitions have been engaged in passing laws throughout the nation to give parents and coaches the tools they need to prevent traumatic brain injuries and lessen the blow of concussions.