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Poison Prevention for Pre-Teens

Poison Prevention for Pre-Teens

Tips to keep your pre-teen safe from accidental poisoning.This is an age when preteens and teenagers can learn the value of responsibility and hard work by doing chores around the house. They might even enjoy it – although they’ll rarely admit it. Before they start, make sure to have a quick talk with your kids about some of the potential dangers of poisonous items such as gasoline, spray paint and medicines. Then, enjoy the extra help.

Top Safety Tips

Here are a few other things to consider:

  1. Keep cleaning products in their original containers. Never put a potentially poisonous product in something other than its original container (such as a plastic soda bottle), where it could be mistaken for something else.
  2. Throw away old medicines and other potential poisons. Check your garage, basement and other storage areas for cleaning and work supplies you no longer need and can discard.
  3. Speak with older kids about the dangers of inhalants and abusing prescription medicines.
