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Keep guns unloaded, locked away, and safely out of reach.We need to take extra precautions when kids are in an environment where guns are present.    

The Hard Facts about Gun Safety

  • Children as young as 3 years old may be strong enough to pull the trigger of a handgun. 
  • Three out of four children living in a house with a gun know where the gun is, even when their parents think they don’t know.  

Top Tips about Gun Safety

  1. Keep guns out of the reach and out of sight of children by storing them securely. Leaving guns unsecured – on a nightstand, table, or other place where a child can gain access – can lead to injuries and fatalities.
  2. Store guns unloaded and secured with effective, child-resistant gun locks in a locked container out of the reach and sight of children.
  3. When a gun is not being stored, keep it in your immediate possession and control at all times. Otherwise, store the gun unloaded, locked and separate from ammunition.
  4. Talk to the grandparents and parents of your children’s friends about guns in the home and how to safely store and secure them.
  5. If you decide that you no longer need a gun in your home, dispose of it in a safe way. Consult with local law enforcement on the best way to do so.

Learn More

Learn more ways to keep your children safe when guns are present.
