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Update: We’re thrilled to report that on June 3rd Governor Hickenlooper vetoed the bills that would have turned safety cameras off in Boulder, Greenwood Village and other towns and cities in Colorado. Thank you to all of you who joined us in taking action to urge the Governor to keep kids safe on Colorado streets!
Last week, my husband and I received a ticket in the mail. We'd been caught by a speed camera about 1/2 a mile from our home.
I'm so glad I got this ticket. Seriously. And here's why.
Apparently, I am now the father of a “bigger” little kid. Recently, my daughter made this distinction perfectly clear to us, not with her words but by testing and expanding her boundaries (and her parents’ anxiety). And, they both get pushed to their limit.
But, through this new period in our child’s exploration, we learned that, though we had done a good job of preparing our house to keep her safe so far, we had to take our home safety prep to another level, quite literally.
This blog was written by Pamela Eisner, SKW summer intern
Why You Should Care About Speeding in School Zones
People speed in school zones and put kids at risk. Studies show that lowering speed can reduce fatality rates by up to 40 percent and a very recent analysis by the National Transportation Safety Board concluded that speed is a contributing factor in fatal crashes at about the same frequency as drunk driving. Something has to be done, and you can be part of the solution.
This week's Ask the Expert column helps parents with a questions about medicine.
This blog was written by Isabelle Shafer, Safe Kids communication summer intern.
I grew up in South Florida, so I know how hot the inside of a car can get. When I was in high school, my friends and I would have to open our car doors and wait in the parking lot for the inside to cool down enough for us to get in. From time to time as I was growing up, I also heard stories about cars being so hot that kids left alone in them had died.
As the weather gets chilly and holiday anticipation begins to grow, it’s time to start making lists – lists for Thanksgiving dinner, lists for Santa, lists for winter-weather preparation, and, of course, lists for holiday shopping.
Before you join the crowd on Black Friday to kick-start your holiday shopping, here are a few important things to add to your list.
Like many young parents, my wife and I are reaching a point that both excites and terrifies us at the same time - our seven-month-old daughter, Lilly, is starting to crawl. To see her beautiful face light up as she desperately tries to kick, claw and propel herself across our living room is a joy every day.
A colleague of mine was all set to write this Mother’s Day blog. She had her first child three months ago - a beautiful healthy baby boy - and was excited to share her thoughts on her first Mother’s Day. But then the reality of being a brand new mom set in - sleep deprived, new routines, all the standard questions like “When do they start sleeping through the night?"
The resident dads at Safe Kids were asked about what piece of advice or tip they would want other dads to know about. We are certainly no experts (is there really such a thing?), so take what you like and ignore the rest.