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Gary Karton

Content Advisor

“Parenting is a tough job, and it’s great to work for an organization that is helping parents understand that they’re not alone when it comes to keeping their kids safe.”

Gary writes and edits internal and external materials, creates videos and oversees media outreach. Gary started his career as a reporter for The Washington Post and has spent more than 20 years working in the world of nonprofits to help children and families. He is also the author of an award-winning spirit animal adventure series for middle grade readers.

Blogs by Gary

Teen driver behind the wheel

This week is National Teens “Don't Text and Drive” Week so it’s a perfect time to remind the teens (and adults) in your life that texting and driving can be a deadly combination.

Did you know that traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens?  

Every dad should change the diapers.

Was my wife, Dixie, helping me or suckering me? It’s a debate that goes on to this day, but regardless of the answer, I stand behind the following advice for every new dad: Change every diaper.  

home safety

Sadly, between 2008 and 2010, over 22,000 children age 9 and younger were injured by preventable furniture tip-overs or instability. Lisa Marie, a parent advocate who has been working with Safe Kids, graciously shares her heartbreaking story of her son Shane.


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