Teen Don't Text and Drive Week

This week is National Teens “Don't Text and Drive” Week so it’s a perfect time to remind the teens (and adults) in your life that texting and driving can be a deadly combination.
Did you know that traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens?
Here at Safe Kids, we work closely with our partners at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on teen driving issues. They have some great resources that can help you talk to your kids about the importance of driving without texting.
Stop the Texts, Stop the Wrecks. That’s the message from our partners NHTSA and they’re working to make it happen by offering videos, facts, tips and ways to get involved.
Making a difference, together. Our partners at CHOP provide a great place to find free teen driver safety information and downloadable resources.
There’s no doubt you’ll find a useful fact or piece of information that can help. And please share these resources with everyone you know who has a teenage driver. Let’s work together to spread the word to make sure teens “Don’t Text and Drive.”