While recognizing that driving a car is very serious business, officials hope that these signs will be more than one-time reminders to drivers. In addition to making people laugh, they hope these attention-grabbing signs will be family conversation starters, and help create more long-term safe driving habits.
It’s no secret that teens and pre-teens are often distracted by technology: texting, listening to music, playing games. This becomes a particular safety issue when students cross the street while distracted. In fact, last year alone 274 kids ages 10-19 were killed while walking. How do we get these teens to listen to safety tips? It’s definitely a challenge. We turned to the teens themselves to ask how they would do it. And that’s how the Take Action Against Distraction Contest was born.
If there is one thing I know about myself, it’s that I am not the most coordinated person. I know this because I ran cross-country in high school, and I still have the scars to prove it. Even the smallest branch or bump in the road used to be enough to bring me tumbling to the ground in spectacular fashion.
This tradition of tumbling continued when I left for college and became a tour guide. If you have ever been on a tour of a college campus, you can imagine that it is not the best job for the uncoordinated. Leading the tours required me to walk backwards in front of large groups of people. On my very first tour as a freshly-minted guide, I ran into no less than five tree branches and several innocent bystanders, not to mention nearly being struck by a passing car.
I spend most of my days at a desk helping people and communities across the county who work to keep kids safe. As fulfilling as that is, my favorite experiences are those that allow me to help in the community hands on.
This month the National Safety Council is observing Distracted Driving Awareness Month and giving us all an important reminder of the potentially tragic consequences to driving while talking or texting. The Council is asking all drivers to stop using cell phones while they drive.
Sunday, November 17, is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. For many people around the world, it’s a time to remember the children and adults who have been killed or injured in road crashes. For me, it’s a time to remember all the reasons I’m so passionate about the work I do.
Have you ever seen a bike train? Picture lots of excited little kids perched on bicycles, scooters, skateboards and anything else with wheels, anxiously awaiting a signal from a parent or teacher to start pedaling and rolling to school.
Once kids take their first steps, they can't wait to keep going. But when it comes to walking to the park or school along roads, it can be a challenge for kids to safely get to where they need to go.
This week marks the second annual United Nations Global Road Safety Week and an important opportunity to highlight how to keep kids safe on roads.