Pennsylvania passes nation’s fourth bill requiring rear-facing seating in cars up to age 2, an example of public servants meeting their greatest responsibility of protecting children.
In the latest Unedited Mom blog, learn about Winston’s scary adventure in the swimming pool and tips for parents on how to keep their kids safe in and around water.
Yes, my parents actually let me marry the guy who burned me. We were in high school and my future husband, John (the sweet guy he is), was cooking fried okra. The oil in the pan became too hot too fast. It went up in flames in a matter of seconds. I was standing back against the wall and could not get out of harm’s way quick enough. My right foot and leg caught on fire.
On June 1 at the Cause Marketing Forum in Chicago, Safe Kids Worldwide was recognized with the highest honor in cause marketing, the 2016 Golden Halo Award.