We have some exciting news to share. Safe Kids has entered into a new partnership with Nationwide. Our work together will focus on a national initiative to help families stay safe at home, including fire safety, water safety, and preventing poisoning and falls. This will provide Safe Kids with an opportunity to reach even more families with the safety information they need to keep kids safe and prevent injuries.
Safe Kids joined other child safety advocates to press for a law with the vision of collecting information on the whys, hows and numbers of infant death, and to create a nationwide standard for tragedy scene investigations and autopsies. The law is part of the legacy of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a relentless fighter for kids. Its passage was thanks to the leadership of his fellow New Jersey lawmaker Frank Pallone, who led the fight in the House of Representatives, and Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-Maine) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).
If you're one of those parents who insists on yelling at the officials during your kid’s sporting event, let me start by saying, you’re right. OK? The kid probably did travel. That was a total strike. It was definitely icing. Obvious pass interference. But that doesn’t make up for all the ways we’re wrong.