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Did you know learning CPR can triple the chance of survival for someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)? Yet, according to the American Heart Association, 70 percent of Americans may feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency due to lack of education or training.
National CPR & AED Awareness week (June 1-7) is a perfect time to learn more about how to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and the steps you can take if someone around you needs help.
Whenever I am asked if I know how to swim, my immediate response is “I know how to not drown.”
I started interning at Safe Kids Worldwide about three weeks ago. Since then I’ve learned many things. I’ve learned that drinking one 20 ounce bottle of Coke is equivalent to eating 18 cookies – so it’s not the best way to hydrate when playing sports. I’ve learned that the Starbucks Baristas in our building will write down whatever they think they heard when they ask for your name. My name is Kendall Reed but based on my frappuccino order, you can call me “Q.”
Simple precautions can prevent serious harm.
Washington, D.C. – With liquid laundry packets gaining in popularity, now used by 20 percent of U.S. households, parents need to be aware of this emerging risk for children. Between 2012 and 2013, more than 700 children 5 and under experienced serious effects as a result of liquid laundry packets, with the impact greatest among 1 and 2 year olds. In fact, the poison centers received more than 33,000 calls from 2012 through May 2015.
Washington, D.C. – Los paquetes de detergente líquido ganan popularidad y ya se utilizan en el 20 por ciento de los hogares estadounidenses, por lo que los padres deben estar conscientes de esta área de riesgo emergente para los niños. Entre 2012 y 2013, más de 700 niños menores de 5 años experimentaron consecuencias graves al exponerse al contenido de los paquetes de detergente líquido, con un impacto mucho mayor entre los pequeños de 1 y 2 años de edad. De hecho, los centros de intoxicaciones recibieron más de 33,000 llamadas desde el 2012 hasta mayo del 2015.
New products are introduced into the market for use in the home every day, but how often do we stop and think about what impact these items may have on the safety of our families?
Since 2012 when liquid laundry packets began gaining traction in the market, more than 33,000 calls for children 5 and under have been reported to poison centers about children getting into liquid laundry packets. That’s more than 30 children every single day.
It’s no secret that teens and pre-teens are often distracted by technology: texting, listening to music, playing games. This becomes a particular safety issue when students cross the street while distracted. In fact, last year alone 274 kids ages 10-19 were killed while walking.
How do we get these teens to listen to safety tips? It’s definitely a challenge. We turned to the teens themselves to ask how they would do it. And that’s how the Take Action Against Distraction Contest was born.
Global Road Safety Week was from May 4-10, 2015. Safe Kids Worldwide took part in the UN #SaveKidsLives campaign, which included delivering the Child Declaration on Road Safety to policy makers. We enlisted the help of our local coalitions to get signatures for the Declaration. One coalition went above and beyond, adding an amazing 4,000 signatures to the Child Declaration. Kim Karpovich of Safe Kids Union County, NC won our domestic contest for the most signatures. It is such an amazing accomplishment, and we’re so proud of the work Kim and her team has done.
As I watched the U.S. women’s soccer team win the World Cup, I couldn’t help but think that somewhere, “H” is smiling.
“H” was my high school varsity soccer coach. His real name was Haroot Hakopian but we just called him “H” for obvious reasons. He was a former army ranger who believed in the importance of teamwork, determination, respect and hard work.
OXON HILL, MD – As part of National Heatstroke Prevention Day, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) joined Safe Kids Worldwide in urging parents and caregivers to take proper precautions to prevent child heatstroke tragedies in hot vehicles. NHTSA also unveiled a new technical report to help manufacturers develop effective technology innovations to prevent the dozens of child heatstroke deaths that occur each year.
More than 500 safety professionals from 25 countries and nearly every U.S. state gathered at the 2015 Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Convention (PREVCON) on July 29 - August 1 to explore innovative new ideas and strategies to protect children from preventable injuries.
Here are some highlights.
Honoring Safety Heroes
A highpoint of the convention was honoring those who have demonstrated outstanding support for our cause.