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Living in Washington, D.C. this summer has been nothing short of an adventure -- not to mention quite the learning experience.
So what have I learned while living in this city? (Besides all that what I learned during my internship at Safe Kids!)
Here is an alarming statistic: Every day 44 kids are hit by a car while walking in the United States. That’s 16,000 kids hurt every year.
Clearly, something needs to be done, and Safe Kids and FedEx are teaming up to help keep kids safe on the road as they head back to school.
Some are cool, inexpensive; all are smart.
New study shows that 80 percent of parents think car seat registration cards are important, but only 42 percent return the card.
Last year, more than six million car seats were recalled. Was your car seat one of them? And if so, have you made the repair?
In advance of National Child Passenger Safety Week (September 13 – 19), Safe Kids Worldwide is urging parents and caregivers to follow these steps to ensure their child is as safe as possible in a vehicle.
Register Your Car Seat
Registering your car seat is the best way for parents to learn about a recall in the most timely and dependable manner – directly from the manufacturer. It’s easy to do.
If you are like many busy people, you probably have a drawer somewhere in your home where several “important, but I’ll get to it later” papers live. In that small, dark place are postage-paid warranty cards that come with every new product. It seems like such a small task for me to write my name and address on the card and send it back to the manufacturer, no stamp needed. I liked the product, in this case a car seat, enough to buy it, but I never completed the product registration card.
My name is Jamie and I am the mother of four beautiful children. Last year, I experienced a tragic loss when my three-year-old daughter, Daisy, died in a car accident.
Are you a Federal Employee? If so, please consider selecting Safe Kids Worldwide to receive donations through the Combined Federal Campaign.
All donations go to support our work in keeping all kids safe from injury, from providing bike helmets and smoke alarms to those in need to educating parents on how to install their car seat correctly or keep their kids safe from hidden hazards in the home.
UPDATE: We are opening our contest to all parents and educators across the United States for the last two weeks of the giveaway. All you have to do is teach your kids how to walk safely (you can use our lesson plan) and then use Twitter to enter the contest on behalf of your child’s school. If you win, we’ll send 100 “Clifford Takes a Walk” books to your child’s school.
Here’s how you do it:
It is finally fall and the weather is starting to cool off. The time has come to get out your favorite sweaters and tuck away those swimsuits and flip flops.