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magnet poisoning safety

This week, Safe Kids Worldwide weighed in on an important issue concerning children. And we brought 62 of our closest friends with us.

booster seat safety

As a certified child passenger technician and instructor, working in injury prevention, I frequently hear this question. Not surprising, given tight household budgets and the constantly increasing costs of raising children.

First, let’s look at the things that rule out using secondhand seats, then we can better determine when it’s okay.

hurricane sandy safety

Our hearts go out to the millions of families who were affected by Hurricane Sandy. We are so grateful to emergency personnel who are working around the clock to make things better.

If there is one thing this “storm of the century” has taught us, it’s the importance of planning ahead and being safe.

car safety

It’s been an interesting week at Safe Kids Buckle Up! It’s National Teen Driving Awareness Week and we don’t usually get involved in teen driving issues. This year is different though, because of the Safe Kids Countdown2Drive campaign.

safe kids day capitol hill

Thursday was Safe Kids Day on Capitol Hill. We held a bipartisan event on September 20 to educate Senators, Members of Congress and their staff about the risks that kids face and the challenges parents have in preventing unintentional injury, the #1 killer of kids in America.

child toy recalls

Suspense may be important in a movie, but not when you are buying products for your young children. A high chair, crib or even a swing set for the back yard can be among the most important investments in your career as a parent. But there's a way to take the suspense out of shopping.

in and around car safety

The worst news you can hear involves the death of a child. It's only more upsetting when that death might have been prevented.

This spring, Nedao Abdelghani of Bridgeview, IL died after a relative backing out of a driveway backed over him. He was three years old.

family and kids safety

As a longtime member of the Safe Kids staff I was pretty familiar with child safety, long before I became Stephen’s dad 17 months ago, Back then, I didn’t realize the impact Safe Kids would have on my new role as parent.
