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baby in rear-facing car seat with coat

Our CPS expert answers the safety question about bulky coats and car seats.

a high-powered neodymium magnet block

Parents, learn how to protect your kids from high-powered magnets. 

Teen join in the challenge by filming a short video.

Safe Kids and program sponsor General Motors are joining together for an opportunity for high school students who reside in an area with a local Safe Kids coalition.

Father looking at toys to buy for kids

Holiday edition of toy safety recall report helps parents shop for safe toys.  

carbon monoxide alarm

Take time to educate yourself and your family about the dangers of carbon monoxide.

A young girl takes a nap as she cuddles with her teddy bear.

This November marks National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week – here are some tips on how you can keep your families safe from poisoning by the silent killer.

cute kid in rear-facing car seat

Safe Kids Worldwide is urging NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign a like to help keep kids safe in and around cars

A kid bikes to school.

Parents, learn how to keep your school zones safer.

safe kids

Get an intern’s perspective on how the reach of Safe Kids extends around the world.


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