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A mother fits a life jacket on her daughter.

Using a life jacket when boating or participating in activities is a smart way to keep kids safe.  Safe Kids Worldwide Expert Ali Flury offers advice on picking the right one for your child’s size and activity.

A teenage girl seat behind the steering wheel.

Summer is the most dangerous time on America’s roadways for young people. Parents need to help reinforce the right messages to help preteens and teens to stay safe.

parent and child watch fireworks display from a distance

Learn how to keep your family during the 4th of July and year-round. 

A young boy smiles in his new home.

Many families across the U.S. are busy preparing to relocate to new cities this summer. Check out these tips to keep your kids safe in a new home in the midst of all of the moving chaos.

Summer marks hot car deaths

Safe Kids intern blogs about the risk of heatstroke in South Florida and the importance of taking the time to ACT.

A smiling teen going for a swim.

Swimming in lakes, rivers, ponds and oceans poses a whole new level of risk to children.  Here are five hidden hazards you need to know about to stay safe.

A mother and daughter at the beach.

Safe Kids Worldwide releases a new report on childhood drownings that occur in lakes, rivers, oceans and other types of open water and offers tips and tools to keep kids safe.

Bob Rost is America’s Favorite Crossing Guard 2018

Safe Kids and FedEx announce County Sherriff Rob Rost as the winner of the 2018 America’s Favorite Crossing Guard Contest.

A young boy drying off after the pool.

Safety experts say “dry drowning” is a myth.  Here’s what you need to know about real drowning dangers.

Hurricane Season

Find out how to prepare your family for a hurricane or any extreme weather emergency with some useful tips. 


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