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Keep your kids safe while travelling to and from school.  

The logo of the 2019 Childhood Injury Prevention Conve

We love that every two years, PrevCon is different and unique – new faces, emerging issues and evolving perspectives. At the same time, we’re grateful that some things remain the same: The dedication, energy and enthusiasm that our attendees, presenters and staff bring to our conference amaze us each and every time! And PrevCon 2019 was no exception.

A smiling kid ready to hit the pool.

Get the top 5 summer safety tips to consider this season. 

A father hugs his child.

Many families in federal housing are living in dangerous conditions.  

Growing up with Dyslexia

Growing up with dyslexia can be hard but it can also be a gift.

Global Road Safety Sign

The United Nations Global Road Safety Week is May 6-12, 2019. Read what we’re doing to keep kids safe on the road, all year long. 

A toddler climbs a stool.

Read about one family’s close call with medicine poisoning, their lessons learned and why medicine safety is now a child-proofing priority.


For many parents, medicine safety is not a top priority when child-proofing their home. Learn why it’s important to keep all medicine up and out of reach, even medicine you use every day.

Medication bottles

Find answers here to your frequently asked questions about medicine safety.

Open purse

Find answers here to your frequently asked questions about medicine safety.


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