Before Toy Shopping, Check Out Special Holiday Toy Safety Recall Report

We are just 19 days from Christmas, and the holiday shopping season is upon us in full force. Without sounding like a Grinch, making sure that the presents you get for the kids in your life are safe on top of everything else can seem like a challenge. Never fear, Safe Kids has your back with our special edition recall report!
This holiday edition contains the largest toy recalls of the year. It includes more than three million units of toys. The good news is that toys are safer than at any time in the past. Since 2008, the number of children’s toy recalls has decreased by 83 percent. Industry, government and non-profit safety organizations have come together on tougher laws, vigilant enforcement, better design and aggressive seizures of non-compliant products at U.S. ports.
If this is the first of our recall reports you’ve seen, visit our library of reports, or sign up to receive the latest release every two weeks. It’s the only place where you can find child-oriented recalls, including toys and all products within a child’s environment. The recalls from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, and the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service are available to you in one place. It can include products from toys to lettuce and other vegetables with the Listeria bacteria to car seats to smoke alarms. It’s one-stop shopping for child product safety!