Back to School - The Perspective of One Mom

I was prepared. Really, I was. I'd read the new parent booklet and leafed through the (very thick) folder of forms, instructions, and guidelines sent in advance to every new family at the school.
And I was following along at the new parent orientation. They lost me with the details about the two different uniforms (now, even a year later, I can't remember if white socks are a fall/spring thing or a winter thing.)
But I admit, when they hauled out the 5’x7’diagram about carpool traffic flows, my hands started to sweat.
There were arrows and X’s and a detailed explanation about the entrances (two options) and exits (two options) for drop off.
Then they flipped the diagram over (it took two people to do this) and there was an entirely different flow for pick up.
We got through it, and now we are carpool pros. And as a safety-conscious parent, I appreciate the incredible team of students who lead safety patrol every morning with a rotating crew of teachers. It's a great symbol of the school's care and attention to the safety of every child.
Kids get to school in lots of different ways -- buses, cars, walking, biking. The most important thing is that they get there safely.
I hope this new interactive tool from Safe Kids makes it easier for you to #ProtectKidsOnTheMove. And to all the new carpooling parents out there -- have faith: you too will be a carpool expert in just a few short weeks (I guarantee it).