More than 400 Car Seat Safety Checkup Events Happening in September

Child Passenger Safety Week is September 17-23, but at Safe Kids we’re celebrating all month long.
It’s so important to make sure your child is riding as safely as possible in the car that we’re hosting more than 400 community car seat safety checkup events throughout the month of September. Events are updated weekly.
But if you aren’t able to attend an event, don’t worry, we have you covered. The Ultimate Car Seat Guide provides expert guidance to parents, particularly new parents, on the important decisions they face when choosing and using a car seat. Developed with support from Chevrolet, the guide offers parent-friendly tips on everything from how to fit a child into a car seat to how to know when it is time to move to a new type of seat. We hope you will use it and share it with your friends and family.
If you are having trouble installing your car seat or want to check if its installed correctly, ask a certified child passenger safety technician (CPST) for help. CPSTs have been specially trained to provide guidance to parents and caregivers, and are eager to help. Find one here.
For more information, we have car seat, booster seat and seat belt tips for you on our website.