Spotlight on Global Road Safety for Kids

There's an epidemic going on that most people don't know about.
Every day around the world, more than 500 children lose their lives in traffic crashes. Tens of thousands are injured, sometimes suffering lifelong disabilities. Not only are children at high risk in vehicles, on bicycles, and on motorcycles, they are vulnerable as pedestrians and are often injured or killed in the simple act of walking to school.
This week, Safe Kids Worldwide invited leaders from around the world to come together in our nation's capital around a single mission: protecting children on and around roads.
The Safe Roads | Safe Kids Global Road Safety Summit, taking place Dec. 11-12 is about action. It's about bringing together leaders from around the world to define the steps that we'll take to make a real difference in the lives of our most vulnerable road users.
And it's only the beginning. The Summit is the kick-off for a lasting awareness campaign on global road safety, Safe Roads | Safe Kids, that we are committed to over the long term.
Statement on Road Safety For Children
Road traffic-related injuries are the leading killer of children ages 5 to 19. Unless we take action now, the global toll of traffic injuries will explode, placing millions more children at risk. Kate Carr, president and CEO of Safe Kids Worldwide, released a Statement on Road Safety for Children that calls for action. The statement suggests adopting key initiatives as part of a "safe system" approach that treats road safety holistically. Learn more about the urgency of this initiative.
Child Declaration For Road Safety
Your voice matters. Support the #savekidslives campaign by signing the Child Declaration for Road Safety. The declaration is a call to action to mark the United Nations Global Road Safety Week in May 2015. It urges leaders to include a target to reduce road traffic fatalities worldwide by 50 percent in the Post-2015 Development Goals.
New Research
We wanted to understand what parents think, feel and do when it comes to road safety. What issues are top of mind for them? Are they concerned about their child's safety when walking or riding to school? Are their kids receiving education in school about road safety? We surveyed 6,000 parents of children ages 16 and under in six countries: Brazil, China, India, Qatar, South Africa and the United States. More than ninety percent of parents surveyed in five of the six countries agree that more needs to be done to improve road safety for children in their community.
To learn more about what these parents told us, or to get a breakdown by country, check out the new report "Safe Roads | Safe Kids: Global Road Safety for Children,"
Our new infographic highlights key facts from the research and steps we can take to create "safe systems" for the world's roads.
Safe Roads | Safe Kids: A Call to Action
Watch these amazing kids from around the world deliver a video message calling for safer roads to stop this growing epidemic.
Global Road Safety Week Toolkit
The United Nations General Assembly has designated May 4-10, 2015, as the Third United Nations Global Road Safety Week, with the theme of Children and Road Safety. This week will provide a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations worldwide to coordinate global, national and local awareness events that engage a wide variety of stakeholders on the issue of road safety for children.
We've created a toolkit to serve as a guide for Global Road Safety Week, to help you plan events at the local, regional or national level and to raise awareness about road safety for children.
Advocacy Advokit: Passing a Child Passenger Safety Law
We created this toolkit to help individuals and organizations interested in developing a child passenger safety (CPS) law or regulation in their country or region. Learn how you can get a law passed in your area.
The Safe Roads | Safe Kids campaign
The Safe Roads | Safe Kids Global Road Safety Summit