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winter sports

The Doubtful Dad: Sportsmanship Blog

If you're one of those parents who insists on yelling at the officials during your kid’s sporting event, let me start by saying, you’re right. OK? The kid probably did travel. That was a total strike. It was definitely icing. Obvious pass interference. But that doesn’t make up for all the ways we’re wrong.

little girl getting ready to ski with her mom and family with the proper equipment

Parents, learn a few tips to keep your kids safe while they have fun in the snow. 

Winter snowflakes mean it is time for winter safety percautions

As a kid growing up in Massachusetts, I remember a lot of cold winters and snowy days. But this is one of the coldest winters I can remember in my adult life.

Family in front of fireplace. It is important to proect against fires during the winter.

There’s lots of great ways to enjoy the winter. Sledding, ice skating, and the chance to wear big puffy coats and heavy boots.  Of course, there’s also winter weather to consider and so far, we’ve seen it all: cold, wind, snow, and some sunny days too.

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