Sunday, November 17, is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. For many people around the world, it’s a time to remember the children and adults who have been killed or injured in road crashes. For me, it’s a time to remember all the reasons I’m so passionate about the work I do.
This week, as part of Child Passenger Safety Week (September 15-21), we’re teaming up with the General Motors Foundation to help parents protect their most precious cargo.
As summer temperatures continue to climb across the country, it’s important to remember that while these summer days are great for the pool and the beach, they’re not so good for the inside of cars, which can raise to deadly temperatures in a very short period of time.
Sadly, since 1998, at least 910 children across the United States have died from heatstroke.
Sometimes it takes traveling more than 7,000 miles to get a fresh perspective on something you’ve been doing for more than 25 years. That’s what happened to me in December when my colleague, Alexis Kagiliery, and I traveled to Doha, Qatar to conduct a technician certification.
As a certified child passenger technician and instructor, working in injury prevention, I frequently hear this question. Not surprising, given tight household budgets and the constantly increasing costs of raising children.
First, let’s look at the things that rule out using secondhand seats, then we can better determine when it’s okay.