Camping season is in full gear and America’s parks and wilderness areas are filled with city dwellers trying to get some peace, quiet and fresh air. Here are a few tips on how to make your trip not just safe, but really fun.
Did you know that in 2012, 1.35 million children were seen in emergency departments for a sport-related injury? And every 3 minutes, a child is seen for a sport-related concussion.
Our partners at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) recently released new guidelines about overuse injuries and burnout in youth athletes. Safe Kids had the chance to talk with Dr. John P.
Did you see all the news about concussions leading up to the Super Bowl? It’s got everyone talking, from doctors to professional athletes. Even Snoop Dog is weighing in. So in case you missed it, we put together the most intriguing articles all in one place. Check out the articles that interest you the most, and pass this list on to the coaches, parents and young athletes in your life.
It’s been almost exactly one year since I joined the Safe Kids team. And what a year it’s been. While reflecting on the past year, it occurred to me just how much knowledge I have gained and how lucky I am that I work in a job that teaches me new things every day. So here are the top 10 shocking facts I’ve learned in my first year at Safe Kids.
We are now in the thick of the fall sports and recreation season. Last year, 46 million kids played some form of team sports. As we keep a keen eye on the games, we also know we need to keep an eye on keeping our kids safe.
It’s true, summer is almost over. So I have an idea: let’s forget about all the things we have to do to get ready for the school year and finish out the summer in style with a great Labor Day weekend.
While working at Safe Kids, regardless of whether we have children or not, we develop a parents’ radar for ways kids are vulnerable to injury. I am no different. Earlier this summer, I visited my family in Santa Cruz, California, and spent a lot of time watching my then 8-year-old nephew, Logan, play baseball with his team, the Mets.
As the program manager for sports safety, where much of my work is focused on keeping kids healthy and in top shape for sports, I’m inspired by the young athletes I meet or hear about each day. Kids who are full of passion for the sports they love and a desire to work hard and play their best each time they’re out on the field.